Foreword (p. 5) |
List of Abbreviations (p. 6) |
Summary (p. 7) |
Preliminary remarks (p. 7) |
Answering research questions and key conclusions (p. 9) |
Consideration (p. 20) |
Research questions (p. 22) |
1. Design and Implementation of the Study (p. 25) |
1.1 Document Analysis (p. 25) |
1.2 Interviews (p. 26) |
1.3 Research Process (p. 28) |
1.4 Methodological reflection (p. 28) |
2. SOS Children's Villge Suriname (p. 31) |
2.1 Foundation, Philosophy and Vision (p. 31) |
2.2 SOS Children's village Suriname (p. 32) |
3. The Context, Surinamese Culture (p. 37) |
3.1 History and culture of Suriname (p. 37) |
3.1.1 Political Situation (p. 37) |
3.1.2 Population groups, language and religion (p. 38) |
3.1.3 Education and punishment (p. 39) |
3.2 Sexuality and the Surinamese culture (p. 41) |
3.3 Sexual abuse and the Surinamese culture (p. 42) |
3.4 What was known by the researchers about SOS Children's Village Suriname, previous research (p. 45) |
4. Eexperiences in SOSO Children's Villages Suriname (p. 49) |
4.1 Conceptual Framework (p. 49) |
4.2 Experiences in general, SOS Children's Village Suriname (p. 50) |
4.2.1 (Additional) findings by the researchers about the context of SOS Children's Villages Suriname (p. 51) |
4.2.2 Victimisation of different forms of abuse (p. 54) |
4.2.3 Perpetrators and forms of abuse (p. 56) |
4.3 Forms of abuse and perpetrators (p. 57) |
4.3.1 Sexual Abuse (p. 57) |
4.3.2 Physical (p. 61) |
4.3.3 Emotional (p. 64) |
4.3.4 Financial (p. 67) |
4.3.5 Directly Witnessing Abuse (p. 68) |
4.3.6 Positive experiences (p. 69) |
4.3.7 The Closure of the Village (p. 69) |
4.4 (Re)actions of the Organisation (p. 71) |
4.4.1 In the village (aunts) (p. 71) |
4.4.2 Senior staff member 1 (p. 72) |
4.5 (SOS) senior staff member 2 and allegations of former employee (p. 74) |
5.Consequences of Abuse and Needs of Victims (p. 77) |
5.1 Consequences and current situation (p. 77) |
5.1.1 Short-term effects (p. 77) |
5.1.2 Long-term effects (p. 80) |
5.1.3 Questionnaires taken and current living conditions of victims (p. 85) |
5.2 Needs of victims (p. 92) |
6. Child Safeguarding Policy Framework (p. 95) |
6.1 General notions (p. 95) |
6.2 Period 1995-2004 (p. 97) |
6.3 Period between 2005 and today (p. 98) |
About the authors (p. 101) |
References (p. 103) |
Annex 1 - (Policy) Documents SOS Children's Villages (p. 105) |
Annex 2 - Other sources (footnotes) (p. 109) |
Annex 3 - Safeguarding policy from 2005 until now (p. 113) |